Michele Kulhanek
Speaker & Educational Advisor
Michele Kulhanek, MSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, C-ONQS, currently serves as a Perinatal Safety Officer. She was responsible for creating, leading, implementing and achieving results to improve outcomes for pregnant and birthing persons. She is passionate about quality improvement in perinatal care, birthing people, newborns, families, and the providers who care for this population.
As an experienced labor and delivery nurse, Michele has worked both at the bedside and in leadership in a variety of settings, from a community hospital to a high risk obstetrical academic medical center. She maintains certification in quality and safety, as well as in-patient obstetrics and electronic fetal monitoring. Michele has experience as an obstetrical and neonatal clinical instructor for a BSN program and she is also a fetal monitoring instructor.
Family to Family Support Network® welcomed Michele as a speaker and educational advisor in 2021.